Current Class Divisions
• Toddlers: 2 to 4 years old
• Lower Elem: 4 to 7 years old
• Upper Elem: 8 to 12 years old
Nothing is more important to the parents at Trinity than making sure their kids grow to love God and to live for His kingdom. We want to help parents train their children from the time they’re born until their ready for the responsibility of living as adults. So it’s primarily from parents that children find out about God’s nature, about their rebellion, about God’s plan to bring them back to Himself, and about the hope they have in responding to God’s grace.
At Trinity Church we want to assist parents in this wonderful responsibility of training their children. Because modeling and example are such strong factors in parenting, we’re glad to have children in as much of the service as parents find helpful. However, because our sermons are geared mainly towards adults, most families bring their kids back to children’s ministry at the start of the service.
This ministry exists to provide our children with a setting where they can hear the gospel taught in age appropriate settings. Afterwards, parents receive materials that help them follow-up at home. We’ve found that families have different preferences regarding how much they want their children involved in worship. So feel free to take advantage of as much or as little as we offer.
For more information about our safety policies, curriculum, or procedures, please ask any of the leaders. They’ll be more than happy to fill you in.